Monday, September 5, 2011

Steinsky - "What Does It All Mean?" 1983-2006 Retrospective

Setting up a blog while trying to anticipate the demands and challenges of two new courses, but I'll use this exclusively for my reflections and notes for CMC11 - Creativity & Multicultural Communication. The course opens officially on 9/12, but was available for preview this morning. I'm going into this feeling fresh and completely open-minded, excited to learn and only mildly nervous.

Let's go.



tonirboyd said...

I am excited to be learning with you through this process/course... I love the photo on the top of this blog! Did you take it yourself?

Q said...

Hello there! And thank you very much for the compliment. I did indeed take the photo, but its really just a silly snapshot, taken on my iPhone. We have a house on the lake, and I was on the dock cooling off with a beverage or three. Maybe that helped my artistic "vision"?

I'm also excited about this process, though can freely admit I've felt swamped at times. I'm fairly savvy, but have needed a boost here and there to know it's the journey, not the destination.

What have you learned so far, and how (If at all) have you changed your approach to doing things?

Thanks for the comment, and I apologize for the lapse before my reply. I still kinda feel I'm typing to myself!
